Improve your audience engagement — Visually

2 min readDec 1, 2021

There are a set of few tricks that you can use to visually remix a concept!

For example, visual 1

the first quote simply lends itself to cyclical representation of the idea.

Do you think it enhances your understanding of the idea, a little better?>

There are other ways where you have to think completely out-of-the-box to visualize an idea!

For example, the visual #2.

I used negative gap in comparing two bars, well, to bring out the illness of comparing ourselves to others

Do you think it amplifies comprehension of the concept?

Then there are other ways like creating two contrasting elements — one of the most powerful ways to visualize concepts

For example, take the visual #3.

The two (rather) opposing concepts — Success (with a crown) vs Happiness (with a smile, duh!). Two contrasting concepts designed using the same elements (a full circle & a curve) is what makes it stand out.

Do you think such visuals would help you improve your audience engagement?

So, if this interests you, sign up for my upcoming workshop today to learn how to design visuals!

Date: 26 Nov, 7 PM Indian Time

  • You’ll not learn graphic designing
  • You’ll not learn color theory
  • You’ll not learn grids/ typography

Heck! I don’t even know what they are

But you’ll learn how you can represent your content visually!

So to:

  • Enhance understanding
  • Amplify comprehension
  • Improve engagement

For your audience

I want to join!

Originally published at




I help creative entrepreneurs to increase their online visibility and establish their niche authority.