How To Get Followers on Linkedin When Starting From Zero

7 Tips for Mastering Carousels

3 min readOct 3, 2023

Are you struggling to make your mark on Linkedin?

Do you wonder how some creators manage to rack up followers like clockwork while you’re stuck in neutral?

The secret isn’t as elusive as you might think.

In this article, we’re diving deep into Linkedin growth strategies!

I am here to help you boost your Linkedin engagement, sharing practical wisdom from amazing creators on how to make Linkedin work for you. So I and my partner, Lee, built ‘CreateCarousels’ to help you out. You will get

  • 300+ hand-curated carousels
  • 100+ amazing creators
  • 50+ resources, tools & templates

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1. The Foundation: Who Are You Serving?

When it comes to content creation, know that understanding your audience is paramount. Your audience’s time and attention are precious commodities. To capture them, you must offer something valuable in return.

  • Prioritize your audience’s needs over your personal interests
  • Aim to educate or provide value with every post

2. Embrace New Features

Linkedin frequently rolls out new features, and they want users to utilize them. When you leverage these new tools, the algorithm tends to work in your favor.

  • Stay updated on Linkedin’s latest features and use them in your content
  • Experiment to find creative ways to incorporate new elements into your posts

3. Crafting Engaging Carousels

I found the sweetspot is to create a goldmine in 10-slide carousels. This format allows him to teach, engage, and connect with his audience in a meaningful way.

  • Use 10-slide carousels to deliver mini-lessons or stories.
  • Focus each carousel on one specific topic.

Get my Canva templates for free here.

4. The Challenge of Starting from Scratch

Imagine resetting your Linkedin account to zero. It’s a daunting thought, but here’s a game plan.

  • Understand that Linkedin growth takes time; it’s a long game.
  • Consistency is key: Aim for at least 12 well-curated posts.
  • Narrow your focus to one specific topic.
  • Stick to a limited color palette and font choices for a cohesive feed.

5. Effective Carousel Structure: AIDA

Use a marketing strategy called AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) to structure your carousels:

  • Attention: Start with something that grabs people’s attention. Promise a result that they desire
  • Interest: Build upon the attention-grabber to pique interest and keep readers engaged
  • Desire: Provide detailed, valuable content that fulfills your promise
  • Action: Always include a clear and singular call to action

Key Takeaway:

  • Structure your carousels using AIDA to keep your audience engaged and satisfied
  • Make sure your content delivers on the promise made in the initial slide

6. Harness the Power of Hashtags

Hashtags are more than just trends; they’re the breadcrumbs leading the algorithm to your content.

  • Learn to use hashtags strategically to improve discoverability
  • Research popular hashtags in your niche and incorporate them into your posts

7. Collaborate and Guest Post

Once your content game is strong, consider collaborating with established creators or guest posting. This can rapidly expand your reach.

  • Create valuable guest posts tailored to the audience of the account you’re collaborating with
  • Be prepared for a potential influx of followers

Remember that growth takes time, consistency is key, and a clear understanding of your audience is crucial.

By applying these strategies and staying dedicated, you can see remarkable results on your Linkedin journey.

So, let’s get started and watch your Linkedin presence flourish.

Want more such inspirations and templates to create your own carousels?

  • 300+ hand-curated carousels
  • 100+ amazing creators
  • 50+ resources, tools & templates

Get it now!

Originally published at




I help creative entrepreneurs to increase their online visibility and establish their niche authority.