The Liberating Power of Writing Badly

How Annie Dillard’s Advice Helped Me Embrace Imperfection and Find My True Voice

2 min read2 days ago

As writers, we’ve all been there — staring at a blank page, trying to craft the perfect sentence, and wondering if our writing is good enough.

But what if I told you that the key to unlocking your writing potential lies in embracing your imperfections and writing badly at first?

Annie Dillard, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, knows a thing or two about great writing. And her advice on the matter is refreshingly honest:

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do, and to write badly at first.”

For years, I struggled with self-doubt and the fear of not being good enough. I’d spend hours trying to perfect my writing, but the more I tried, the more it felt forced and lifeless.

That was until I stumbled upon Annie’s advice and gave myself permission to write badly.

Breaking Through Self-Doubt

When I started writing without worrying about perfection, something remarkable happened. My writing became more authentic, more raw, and more alive. I stopped worrying about what others would think and started writing for myself.

Annie’s advice helped me realize that writing isn’t about creating perfect sentences; it’s about expressing myself honestly and vulnerably. Now, I write with a sense of freedom and joy, knowing that my first drafts will be imperfect but full of potential.

The Power of Imperfection

Writing badly at first liberates us from the pressure of perfection. It allows us to tap into our true voice and write with wild abandon. When we embrace our imperfections, we open ourselves up to growth, learning, and creativity.

So, the next time you sit down to write, remember Annie’s advice. Give yourself permission to write badly, and watch your writing transform. Embrace your imperfections and write with freedom and joy.

Who knows what beauty will emerge from your willingness to write badly?




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