The M.A.G.I.C of Tiny Habits

Using Tiny Habits to Build & Sustain Morning Routines

2 min readJun 7, 2020

“Well-begun is half-done!” ~ Aristotle

How we start the morning could set the tone for the day. I’m big on morning routines. I always try to tweak and improve it. However, creating such routines and sticking to the habit can be really hard!

I stumbled across B.J.Fogg’s ‘Tiny Habits’ that is giving both practical insight and scientific background on how and what of forming habits. Dr.B.J.Fogg, being a Stanford University Professor, had taken an unusually popular way to experiment, scientifically validate and popularise this idea, through this Tiny Habits program.

I have started experimenting with his concepts and created a habit sequence to create a simple Morning routine. For easy remembrance, I created an acronymn around it — M.A.G.I.C habits!

M for Meditation

  • After I sit up from sleep in the morning, I will do 1 Minute of Meditation.

Then, I will celebrate by giving myself a ‘thumbs up’.

A for Affirmation

  • After I complete my meditation, I will put my hands on my heart and will say, ‘I am happy, healthy and peaceful!’

Then, I will smile to myself.

G for Gratitude

  • After I complete my affirmation, I will say ‘Thank You’ for one good thing in my life.

Then, I will say to myself, ‘Awesome, Good Job!’

I for Imagination

  • After I sit at my desk for work, I will imagine how my day is going to unfold for 10 seconds.

Then, I will lift both my hands up and say silently, ‘Great!’

C for Committment

  • After I switch on my laptop, I will open my notebook and write my most important committment for the day at the top of the page.

Then, I will draw a 🙂 smilie.

It’s been a week and I am already liking how it is progressing and importantly making me feel. Particularly, the practice of ‘celebration’ seems to positively impact my mood in the morning and helps me through the day!

I hope you shall try it too and find it useful!

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What do you think are the most overlooked but useful skills in life/work? WRITING!

“I listened to David’s Write of Passage podcast (all Episodes 1–21). I’ve summarised what I learnt in this ebook.”

Download my free ebook ‘A Summary: Write of Passage podcast by David Perell’

Originally published at on June 7, 2020.




I help creative entrepreneurs to increase their online visibility and establish their niche authority.