The Penance of Kunti Devi

Embracing Suffering on the Path to Attaining the Divine

4 min readMar 28, 2019
Kunti asking for Krishna’s blessings

The Battle of Kurushektra was over, and despite his initial reluctance, Krishna convinced Dharma to take the throne as King of Hastinapur. The crowning ceremony concluded and it was time for Krishna to depart. As he was about to board his chariot, his eyes searched for someone in the crowd. There stood Kuntidevi, the godmother, among the relatives.

Krishna greeted her and said, “I must be going now, Kuntidevi.”

“Of course,” replied Kuntidevi. “But before you leave, may I request a blessing from you?”

“Of course,” replied Krishna generously.

What could the old lady possibly ask for? A prayer bead, ritual materials, or good fortune for her five sons and their families? Or perhaps she sought solace for her deceased son, Karna…

“What is it you desire, Kuntidevi?” asked Krishna. “Whatever it is, it shall be granted.

Kunti asked for pain and suffering

Kunti asked, ‘Krishna, I want sufferings. I want pain. I want more sufferings and pain!’




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