To code or Not to code? That is the question.

2 min readOct 11, 2020

Welcome to Issue 33 of Aurasky Newsletter!

If you are new, here’s a quick intro.

I’m Sathyanand and I’m building Aurasky Academy to teach no-code tools and resources to at-risk children and youths.

Before you ask… I’m not an engineer or a programmer. Yup, I don’t know how to write a single of code. And yet, I teach children to build websites, web applications, mobile apps. All using no-code tools and platforms.

In this newsletter, I share my explorations and experiments on how anyone can (should) leverage no-code tools. I also share interesting tips and tricks, I found on productivity, creativity and personal growth.

Let’s dive in.



If you like what I do or at the least curious, let’s connect over Twitter or LinkedIn.

Another thing…

If you are new here, or reading this newsletter on a web page, consider subscribing. I send out useful resources on productivity, no-code tools, learning & creativity, personal growth & success, every Tuesday. I never spam. Pinky swear :)

Post of the Week

Tweet of the Week

By the way, did I say that the students created this app, without writing a single line of code! That’s the power of No-code!!!




I help creative entrepreneurs to increase their online visibility and establish their niche authority.